Carrier Payable Reconciliation Agency Bill

This process allows creating reconciliations for carrier agency billing.

To Reconcile Agency Billing

  1. On the Primary menu, click ORGANIZATION.
  2. Click the territories tab.
  3. Click the Details icon of the appropriate territory.
  4. Click the accounting > transactions > reconciliation tab.
  5. Click [Add New Reconciliation]. The Reconciliation dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the Entity Type list, select Carrier.
  2. Search for the appropriate carrier and select a subordinate carrier if applicable.
  3. In the Select Name list, select the name of the carrier.
  4. In the Primary Name box, select the carrier. If there are more than one primary or subordinate names associated with the carrier selected, they are displayed.
  5. In the Select Address list, select the appropriate address for the carrier. Multiple addresses may be displayed if the carrier has more than one location.
  6. Click OK. The reconciliation tab is displayed.

Note: Use the Maximize / Minimize icon to display the full screen view of the reconciliation.

  1. The Date Booked entry will default to the current date.
  2. In the Description box, enter a description for the reconciliation if necessary.
  3. In the Internal Note box, enter an internal note if necessary.
  4. On the Navigation Toolbar, click Save.
  5. On the Quick Navigation panel, click Transactions - Agency Bill. The policies that are available for statement entry transactions are displayed according to the search criteria selected.

  1. If policies to be used for statement entry transactions are not immediately displayed, click [Show] to open the search filters. The following options are available:

  1. Once the search results are displayed, select the policies to be paid in the Select column.
  2. Enter the Amount Paid for each policy.
  3. On the Navigation Toolbar, click Pay All Selected. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
  4. Click OK to confirm the payments.


Click Cancel to return to the Agency Bill screen without paying the selected items.

  1. In the Quick Navigation panel, click Reconciliation Posting. The Reconciliation Details screen is displayed.
  2. Review the Reconciliation Details and then click Post on the Navigation Toolbar. The reconciliation is posted.


Click Abort on the Navigation Toolbar to abort the reconciliation and return to the reconciliation tab.

Related Topics

Revising Commission During Reconciliation